The names that appear in this unit roster are the men who were assigned to the 48th IPSD while the unit was stationed in Vietnam. While their functions, duties and time spent with the 48th varied, they all shared one common thread - to support, to the best of their ability, the unit's mission.

indicates a handler was KIA

✝︎ indicates handler now deceased

Link to Scout Dog Roster

Ackerman, Alan handled Noble, Rebel & King, Hawk 1969-70

Allen, Robert E. CO, December 1969 - December 1970

Allen, Jr., Joseph R. handled Sig (K036)

Ancona, Carlos O. handled Sam and King

Barker, Kenneth E. handled Gus

Barraclough, Everett H. WIA, handled Chase (98X6), transferred from 57th IPSD

Bartone, Leonard M. “Mike”, Jr. SGT, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam; trained and handled Bootsy (9X64)


Bayne, Jacky C. WIA 1967, handled Bruno (26X8)

Blankenship, Stuart W. handled Royal (19X8)

Biggar, Gary handled Rommel (956M) Bolden, Charles R. handled Big Boy (72A0)

Bonczkowski, Robert W. handled Blitz (10A6)

Bostian, Danny J.

Brabham, Eddie M. handled King (23X1)

Brady, Thomas G.

Brandenburg, Karl J. SGT, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam; trained and handled Prince (30X7)

Bratcher, Tommy R. handled Fritz (14X8)

Brosnan, Neil T.

Brown, James L.

Butts, James P.

Cargo, Charles L. "Clutch" handled Wolf (66M0)

Carmicle, Ernie handled Von (514A)

Carrillo, Melvin KIA, 3/3/68

Carter, Lincoln

Cartwright, James handled Brutus Catania, Frank M. Vet Tech, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning and shipped to Vietnam

Chambers, Alexander

Cherry, Carlton D.

✝︎ Chmura, Jr., John L. handled Baron (44X9); d. 28 Dec 2002

Christy, Edward A. WIA 1969

Chubb, Donald J. handled Champ (046M)

Claggett, Richard T. handled Big Boy (72A0)

Clement, Melvin

Clements, Marvin Vet Tech 1971

Collin, Marshall handled Bootsy (9X64)

Collins, Jerry D.

✝︎ Collins, Rufus W. b.13 Oct 1952; d. Apr 1976

Conaway, Dennis J. handled Gero (0K06) 

Conrad, Jerry D.

Cooper, David

Crank, Ardis R.

Crouch,Roy G.

Curry, John

Davis, Alan Eunice CPL E4, KIA, 3/21/71, other explosive device 

Davis, Leon “Skip” handled Sarge

Day, Jr., Remious

Dean, David L.

Devasure, Joseph H.; d.9/15/82 of leukemia associated with Agent Orange

Devoe, Russell G. trained Rommel (956M); off-leash program, Ft. Benning; handled Rommel in Vietnam; also served with 41st IPSD

Dexter, Gilbert Jon  WIA, 1/3/71, handled Duke (461A)

✝︎ Dicini, Martin A. b.13 Feb 1949; d.17 Dec 1995

Doria, Richard A. KIA, 8/19/69

Dow, David H. Vet Tech

Dowdy, Reginal E. Vet Tech

Duerr, Butch WIA 10/27/69, handled Kaiser

Eide, Ronald J.  handled Rolf

Eis, Steven

Evelien, Buck handled Sarge

Farley, Marshall Colin SP4 E4, KIA, 9/19/67, multiple fragmentation wounds, handled Bootsy (9X64)

Feery, Paul  handled Ceasar (24A0)

Flinn, John E.

Foulk, David handled Alf (K088), Rebel (311A)

Fournier, Andre A. transferred from 58th IPSD, July, 1971; WIA 8/27/71, handled Sheba (7X54)

Frazier, Dennis L. handled Rolf (K005); also served with 33rd IPSD 

Garnette, Anthony J.

Gaster, Dale E.

Gates, Sr., Stephen M. handled Wolf (66M0); also served with 50th IPSD 

Gerst, Jeffery handled Fink (100M)

Gilbert, Dexter

Gilbert, Thomas L.

Gonzales, Richard

Gregoire, James L. handled Tina (19X7) 

✝︎ Grounds, Samuel J. b.13 Apr 1950; d. May 1977

Guess, Harvey L.

Haag, Jr., Claude D. Unit Clerk (1967-68)

Hallegren, Alfred J.

Harrington, Gary D.

Harrison, Michael M. member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam, trained and handled Jerry (11X2)

Hart, Seth D.

Hart, William C.

Harvel, Terry  handled Nikki (3X23), Jan - Jun 1972; transferred to 34th IPSD

✝︎ Harvis, Clarence L. PSG, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam; WIA, b. 28 Jun 1926; d. Feb 1991

Hickman, Kirby L. handled Royal (19X8)

Hoefer, John T.

Hopper, Terrence L. Vet Tech (1967-1968)

Hunter, Ronald B.

Jackson, Thomas C.

Jackson, Jr. Herman SSG, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam, trained and handled Bruno (26X8)

Jenkins, Joseph

Johnson, Robert W.

✝︎ Jolley, Bobby Joe  handled Kaiser (?), b. 7/26/43; d. 8/3/2005

Jones, Jr., Ian L. first CO of the 48th IPSD; member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam

✝︎ Joyce, Thomas P.  d. 2005

Kann, Timithy P. handled Rommel (956M)

Keck, Victor S.

Kempka, Walter F.

Kenney, Raypheal J. King, Henry

Kinney, Walter J. also served with 34th IPSD and 57th IPSD; handled Brutus (X540), Eric (365B), and Nicodemus (4K18)

Knowles, Dewayne transferred from 40th IPSD 5/70

Kodman, Paul W. handled Scout (3M23)

Koss, Paul D. "Dan", handled Duke

Krajacic, Nino N. handled Max (X708)

Lane, David handled Benno (0K47)

Langrell, Jack G. handled Bullet (38X1)

Lawrence, Harry S. handled Bullet, King

LeBouef, Jr., Iley A. handled Erik

Lee, Carlton D.

Lemish, Stephen D. handled Duke (96M0)

Leslie, Richard handled King

Lewis, James

Light, William “Bill”  handled Duke

Lowe, Henry L.

Lowery, Charles J. transferred from 40th IPSD 5/70

Luthman, Jr., Nelson W. handled Casey (742A)

Mack, Charles O.

Matazinski, Robert CO, November 1968 - December 1969

Mayer, Steven A. CO, December 1971 - March 1972

Mc Cord, Lorenza

Mc Rae, Michael J.


McCray, Gentry

McDougal, Ryan handled Brute (330M)

✝︎ McGinnis, David B. handled Hans (623A); d.26 Apr 2001, following a brave battle with Hepatitis C.

Metcalfe, Jr., Robert L.

Milledge, Jack L.

Moreno, Edward R. handled Herman (M417)

Morris, Terry E.

Moynahan, Richard E.

Mugavin, Martin L. KIA, 2/23/67, multiple fragmentation wounds; member of  original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam, trained and handled Reb (21X8)

Mulford, James M. CO, December 1970 - October 1971

Murray, John W.

Neal, Eddie

Nolan, Steve P. transferred from 40th IPSD 5/70

Olmsted, John Paul KIA, 7/15/67, multiple fragmentation wounds; SGT E5, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam

Palmer, James L. handled Duke

Parsons, James C.

✝︎ Patrick, Byran K. b.24 Sep 1951; d.Jul 1973

✝︎ Pawlowicz, Walter “Wally” J. transferred from 50th IPSD 4/71; handled King II

✝︎ Pendleton, Cecil O. Unit Clerk (1968-69), handled Fritz (14X8); b. Jul 16 1942 - d. Nov 17 2015

✝︎ Perry, Curtis 48th PSG (1967-1968) b.25 Aug 1942; d.Sep 1979

Perry, Jr., Henry J.

Peska, Lee T.

Peterson, David handled Scout (3M23)

Pfau, Darryl A.

Phillips, David

Ployer, Walter H. "Wally" handled Seagram (212M)

Presley, Tom handled Dusty (23M8)

Prichard, Steven J. former handler with 37th IPSD, 43rd IPSD; handled Basil (0010) and Ceasar (4M98)

Prior, Harry

Quada, Roy G. member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam; trained and handled King (2X24)

✝︎ Railey, Bobby J. handled Von (514A)

Ramos, Molina

Randolph, John  handled Bart (533A) and Duke

Ransom, Randy F. handled Hasso (0K08)

✝︎ Redd, Albert A. b.17 Sep 1951; d.26 Dec 1983

Rhodes, William H.

Roberts, Preston L.

Rodriguez, Carlos (Charles Rodd) handled Kaiser (27X6), Doax (3X69)

Roig, Jesus “Jay” M. member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam, trained and handled Royal (19X8)

Schetrompf, Howard P. Staff Sergeant 1971-72

Schlieker, Jack handled Victor (143A)

Schuler, Gary D.

Semar, John A.

Shaw, Ricky A. handled Trail (12A4), Dutch (21A8) 

Sheppard, Daryl E. handled Hasso (0K08)

Sheppard, Daryl Vet Tech 1968-69

Shirley, James E.

Shiver, Donald L.

Shumate, Theodus handled Bullet (38X1)

Simpson, Arthur

Sims, Jerry

Smart, Ronald W. transferred from 40th IPSD 5/70; handled Hobo (4X42)

Smith, Jackie H.

Smith, Manuel A.

Smock, Donald D.

Soto, Reynaldo G.

Spicer, Michael handler Hitler (68X2)

Staley, Robert M.

Stanton, Michael P.


Stockdale, Stanley handled Bruno (26X8)

Stormer, Barry S.

✝︎ Strong, Talmadge b.22 Apr 1949; d.Nov 1971

Swearington, Phillip

Sweeney, Harold handled Black Jack (498M)

Switzer, Thomas W. member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam; handled King (22X4)

Sykes, J. Thomas handled Royal (19X8)

Taylor, Joseph R.

Thomason, David Bruce Vet Tech 

Thompson, Lowell V. CO, October 1971 - December 1971

Thurston, Lonnie W.

Trammell, Todd D. handled Cheyenne (M258)

Tubbs, Larry handled Fritz (14X8)

Tucker, Danny L. handled Alf

Turner, Alfred Lee WIA 4/12/67, KIA, 11/23/69; multiple fragmentation wounds; SSGT E6, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam (was not assigned to 48th at time of death); trained and handled Kaiser

Valuck, Glenn P. "Paul" transferred from 40th IPSD 5/70

Van Aulen, Jr., Ted handled Warlock (35M8)

Vetuski, Walter W. handled Champ (463A)

Vogelsang, Donald V.

✝︎ Vosbury, Gerald W. CO, December 1967 - November 1968, b. Oct 1, 1946; d. Apr 12, 2018

Walker, Paul E.

Walters, Russell “Doc” T. Vet Tech

Watson, Anthony W. handled Duke (230M)

Watters, Randall G.  handled Poncho (752M)

Weaver, Kenneth Platoon Sergeant 48th 1971

Webb, Johnny A. handled Tex (5A78)

Whiddon, Kenneth M.

✝︎ White, Leslie K. b.23 Sep 1942, d.29 Jan 2000

White, Jr., Robert E.

Whybrew, Vernon L. WIA 4/12/67: member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam, trained and handled Tip (08X2)

Wilfred 48th PSG (1968-1969)

Willey, Paul D. SGT, member of original 48th IPSD that trained at Ft. Benning; shipped to Vietnam; trained and handled Hasso (0K08)

Williams, Michael A.

Winn, Collin E. handled Casey (742A)

Wittman, Dennis H. handled Bullet (612M)

Woods, Andrew P. trained Dax (852M); off-leash program at Benning; became Unit Clerk, 1970

Woodard, Terry L.

Wrye, Donald R.  WIA 2/71. handled Sam (983M)

Link to Scout Dog Roster