Saturday, January 13, 2007
In November 2005, Bill Riley, a former scout dog instructor at Ft. Benning, wrote and shared a few photos. Pictured above are Bill and King, his sentry dog on Okinawa (‘66). In 1966 Bill was sent back to the states to help reactivate the 26th IPSD and train new handlers. Eventually Bill became a senior instructor and NCOIC of the demonstration team. The demo dog was named Dan. Dan had a reputation for loving to dig holes if you said, “Where’s the bug, Dan?”. (check out the Benning photo album for a snapshot of Bill and Dan)
While attending a fund raiser sponsored by the US War Dog Association (Nov ‘05) Bill met Ron Aiello and a number of other former handlers including John Burnam.
Bill has seen the web site and remembers some of the names on the roster. He definitely remembered Frank Catania, the Vet Tech. Bill would like to know if any of you who were with the original 48th recall Bill and if so he’d like to hear from you.
Bill recently retired from Lucent Technologies and resides in Florham Park, NJ.