Friday, November 2, 2007
A prime benefit of maintaining the 48 th web site is that it enables me to meet or stay in touch with many former handlers. Aside from attending a few of the VDHA reunions, staying in touch usually takes the form of email or the occasional phone call. Cyberspace provides a convenient mode of communication, but given the limitations of time and space, it’s usually the ONLY way to communicate. Most handlers, outside of reunions, rarely are able to meet one another in the flesh.
Rick Claggett was no exception. We’ve been emailing on and off for years without ever having actually met. Our tours in Vietnam – mine in 1968 and Rick’s in 1971 – certainly precluded any face-to-face meeting during the war. But late last year our communication took an unusual twist when we discovered that we had both been working on the same project without knowing it – consulting on Cynthia Kadohata’s book, “ Cracker! The Best Dog in Vietnam ”. It wasn’t until the next to last manuscript arrived that realized the connection.
Given that Carol and I make an annual road trip to Colorado to see family each year, and given that Rick’s home is in the Denver area was in our direct order of march, it just seemed like too good of a possibility to pass up. We eventually sorted out a brief lunch meeting and in September, we finally met. Of course we had to take a photo to document our meeting.
Rick and I both hosted Cynthia for a series of book signings and school events in our respective states when Cracker! was released earlier this year. What with all the chatter about the book, our working with Cynthia, and getting caught up on stories from the 48 th , we had a lot to talk about in too short of time. Hopefully we can experience another more relaxed meeting during our trip west next year.