Friday, November 2, 2007
Unlike most other former handlers from the 48th, Cecil and I go way back. We graduated from the same Scout Dog School class at Fort Benning in 1967. As fate would have it, we wound up in the 48 th together during our tours in ‘68. We lost touch for a time after we departed Vietnam but we managed a reunion of sort in Wisconsin when I convinced Cecil to fly out for a visit in the mid 70’s. Alas, it was in February. Anyone who lives in California as Cecil does will tell you that February in Wisconsin doesn’t show off the state’s finer qualities unless one is a penguin.
With the advent of email in the 80’s, Cecil and I managed to stay in touch much more often. We now email at least once a week if not more. And it is with no little pride when I say that much of the factual details that appear on the 48 th web site are directly attributable to Cecil’s amazing memory. I also firmly believe that the Radar O’Reilly character in M.A.S.H. was based on Cecil’s performance as the 48 th ’s unit clerk.
We managed another reunion with Cecil when Carol and I flew out to attend a VDHA reunion in San Diego in the 90’s. Since then Carol and I have been trying to convince Cecil to try another visit to Wisconsin – this time when the weather would be more hospitable.
We finally arranged for a visit in August, which turned out to be a terrific time for all concerned. We were able to wine and dine Cecil in a manner he is unaccustomed to (but deserving of) and introduced him to friends and family alike. We took him to see as much of northeastern WI as was humanly possible while at the same time recognizing the need for some quality “lump” time. Hey, it’s a vacation, right?
Based on some of Cecil’s recent emails we’re pretty sure his visit far exceeded his expectations and we think improved his overall view of WI. Hopefully he will consider another WI adventure – we have a lot more to see and do. And eat. And drink. But it won’’t be during the winter (and we can’t blame him for that!).
Sadly, Cecil passed away November 17 2015. He was a dear friend and will be missed.